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Northeast Regional Sickle Cell Collaborative (SiNERGe)

Inaugural CBO Leadership Summit

held as part of the 6th Annual Johns Hopkins Sickle Cell Symposium

September 15 – 17, 2024

Hilton BWI Airport Hotel, Baltimore

Positive Exposure will screen: The Strength To Fight: FRAME Film on Sickle Cell.

Image description: Image of older gentleman looking intently into the camera lens. Words on Poster: The Strength To Fight A short film by Rick Guidotti, Victor Ilyukhin and Olga Lvoff Produced by Rick Guidotti and Positive Exposure Top Right corner: Festival Laurels New York State International Film Festival

About SiNERGe and the SiNERGe CBOs

Sickle Cell Improvement in the Northeast Region through Educa:on (SiNERGe) is a HRSA-funded

collabora:ve of 46 non-profit, community-based organiza:ons and medical providers in the

Northeast U.S. The Northeast Region accounts for approximately one-third of the U.S.’s

es:mated popula:on of sickle cell warriors (Hassell, 2010).

The SiNERGe Community-Based Organiza:ons (CBOs) are working toward longer, healthier lives

for individuals with sickle cell disease. Their mission is to gather momentum in the fight against

sickle cell disease by promo:ng ongoing collabora:on among the organiza:ons, providing

access to capacity-building exper:se and resources. The 30 CBOs share best prac:ces through

the Project ECHO peer-to-peer learning plaWorm, coordinate the annual Shine the Light on

Sickle Cell awareness campaign, and develop strategies for reaching and engaging unaffiliated pa8ents

throughout the region.


September 17
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