About the FRAME Library
Rick Guidotti’s initial quest to better understand difference came up lacking. He found stark, dehumanizing images in medical textbooks.
Faces Refining the Art of Medical Education (FRAME) seeks to widen this lens for healthcare professionals, families, and communities. FRAME serves as a web-based educational library featuring short films that offer a broader, more humanized understanding of medical conditions and critical topics.
FRAME is rooted in inclusion and respect. Participants are filmed in everyday settings that capture their humanity and beauty. Viewers can see how participants talk, move, and engage with our world.
Since its pilot at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, New York, our FRAME workshops have accompanied training curricula at over 1000 medical institutions and more than 2500 professional conferences.
Common features associated with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome include cleft palate, abnormalities of the heart, developmental delays and learning disabilities, mental [...]
Dont Dismiss Us. Film explores disability at the intersection of aging, diversity, representation, and inclusion. Featuring disability rights / disability [...]
Albinism is a recessive genetic condition that causes the absence or reduction of pigmentation in the hair, skin and eyes.
Meet our great friends, Carrie and Frank and their families, at Pathfinder Village. Pathfinder Village is an internationally renowned open-access [...]
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a relatively common developmental disability affecting 1 in every 68 children in the US.
Mental Health Challenges for Individuals living with Autism and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Collaboration with Verrecchia Clinic for Children [...]
Cerebral Palsy is a collection of movement disorders resulting from a malformation or injurious event to the developing brain that [...]
Costello syndrome affects many different parts of the body. Signs and symptoms generally include developmental delay, intellectual disability, distinctive facial [...]
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a life-threatening condition, which causes mucus buildup in the body, severely damaging the respiratory, digestive and [...]
The film explores the importance of representation in medical training, specifically, the lack or representation of skin disorders on black [...]
In collaboration with the AMAZING Dr. Alanna Bree and Love the Skin You're In Campaign Filmed at A Children's House [...]
Individuals born with Down syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome 21. The presence of an extra chromosome causes mild [...]
Individuals living with Down syndrome are at an increased risk of developing Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease.
A closer look at the impact of epilepsy in in individuals living with Intellectual and Development disabilities.
Familial dysautonomia (FD) affects the autonomic and sensory nervous systems of children from birth. The most striking symptoms of FD [...]
What First Responders Need To Know About Individuals Living with I/DD
The Trailer.. An overview of 7 Episode Food Insecurity FRAME Film Series. Connecting with the New York community, presenting humanity, [...]
Connecting with the New York community, providing in depth view of humanity, honoring amazing narratives, and exploring assumptions and biases [...]
As Long As You Keep Moving. Connecting with the New York community, providing in depth view of humanity, honoring amazing [...]
Connecting with the New York community, providing in depth view of humanity, honoring amazing narratives, and exploring assumptions and biases [...]
Connecting with the New York community, providing in depth view of humanity, honoring amazing narratives, and exploring assumptions and biases [...]
MY DREAMS ARE WHO I AM! Connecting with the New York community, presenting humanity, honoring narratives, and exploring assumptions and [...]
Connecting with the New York community, presenting humanity, honoring narratives, and exploring assumptions and biases surrounding Food Insecurity. In collaboration [...]
Connecting with the New York community, presenting humanity, honoring narratives, and exploring assumptions and biases surrounding Food Insecurity. In collaboration [...]
Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a genetic condition that causes intellectual disability, behavioral and learning challenges and various physical characteristics.
A Collaboration with Cerebral Palsy Associations of NYS An interdisciplinary approach to improving Healthcare outcomes for individuals living with Intellectual [...]
A Collaboration with Cerebral Palsy Associations of NYS An interdisciplinary approach to improving Healthcare outcomes for individuals living with Intellectual [...]
A Collaboration with Cerebral Palsy Associations of NYS An interdisciplinary approach to improving Healthcare outcomes for individuals living with Intellectual [...]
A Collaboration with Cerebral Palsy Associations of NYS An interdisciplinary approach to improving Healthcare outcomes for individuals living with Intellectual [...]
Ichthyosis is a family of genetic skin disorders characterized by dry, scaling skin that may be thickened or very thin.
Infantile Hemangioma could be defined as a benign growth and collection of extra blood vessels mainly in the skin.
A Collaboration with Uniformed Services University and The Advanced Training Center and National Intrepid Center of Excellence at Walter Reed [...]
Marfan syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the body’s connective tissue. Connective tissue holds all the body’s cells, organs [...]
Moebius syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by weakness or paralysis (palsy) of multiple cranial nerves, most often the 6th [...]
PHACE Syndrome is the uncommon association between large infantile hemangiomas, usually of the face, and birth defects of the brain, [...]
Created in Collaboration with the Sickle Cell Awareness Foundation Corp Int (SCAFCI). SCAFI is a comprehensive, non-profit organization that provides [...]
Supported decision-making (SDM) is a now well recognized practice by which people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) are able [...]
Tetrasomy 18p occurs when there is an extra chromosome made of material from the short arm of chromosome 18.
Treacher Collins is a condition in which the cheekbones and jawbones are underdeveloped.