Christi living with Borderline Personality Disorder
It all started on May 5th 2005 when I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. I tried to figure out how I was going to deal with this. It didn’t dawn on me until September of 2007 that I wanted to do something that would possibly change life.
I never knew that owning a camera would be a God-send. It only took one question to turn my life around. I was the last on that roster of that year I quickly found that being in a room full of other people who dealt with different mental illnesses are quite the same.
Over the next 13 years I have had my work tour the State of Ohio four different times. I have been a mentor for five years and now have the title of accessibility coordinator/advocate. But now I have a new title which is Pearl ambassador for positive exposure. I never knew that my disabilities had such away I’m speaking to people. By doing this I now have a whole new perspective on my life as a whole.
I do hope that by sharing my story in different ways will have and impact on other people’s lives. Given this opportunity will allow me to be a part of something that makes a bit more sense to my life. I will talk more about myself in later blog entries. So please stay tuned.
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