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20th Annual Skin of Color Society Scientific Symposium

Skin of Color Society Logo

San Diego, CA

Join us at the Marriott Marquis San Diego on March 7, 2024, for the 20th Annual Skin of Color Society Scientific Symposium. Delve into “Pathways to Equity: Advancing Advocacy, Research, and Clinical Excellence” with expert co-chairs Nada Elbuluk, MD, FAAD, and Chere Lucas Anthony, MD, FAAD.

Image Description: Skin of Color Society with 3 bands of dark, medium and light browns.


Established in 2004 by Dr. Susan C. Taylor, the Skin of Color Society (SOCS) is the global leader in skin of color dermatology, promoting awareness of and excellence within the field, through research, education, mentorship, and advocacy.

SOCS is committed to the education of health care providers and the general public in dermatologic health issues related to skin of color.

Individuals with skin of color have diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, and include those of the following ancestries: African, Asian, Hispanic/Latinx, Native Indian, Pacific Islander, as well as individuals with mixed races and/or ethnicities.

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