ART HEALS, an exhibition of paintings by Dr. James E. George, MD, JD.
To schedule a viewing, please contact [email protected] or 212-420-1931.
Dr. James E. George is a highly accomplished doctor and lawyer who experienced a brain and spinal cord injury after a fall in his home, resulting in a coma and quadriplegia. He spent six months in rehab, where he discovered great joy and healing in creating art.
James E. George, MD, JD:
I have been involved in emergency medicine for nearly 50 years of my life, but healthcare wasn’t my only interest. I studied medicine and law simultaneously and served as a captain in the U.S. Army Reserves Medical Corps.
After receiving my undergraduate degree from Columbia University, I simultaneously enrolled in the University of Louisville Medical School and Law School. Attending medical school during the day and law school at night, I completed the programs in four years, receiving both degrees – with honors – in 1970.
One of my proudest accomplishments in the field of emergency medicine was being an early adopter of emergency medicine as a specialty. I served on the Board of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), and I am a past member of several professional organizations for physicians and attorneys. I authored several books on the topic as well.
I am a founding member of TeamHealth, an association of more than 20,000 clinicians throughout the United States. I served as a division president for the TeamHealth East region until 2014 when I made the transition to the position of Strategic Advisor to the CEO of TeamHealth. I was also a founding member of George & Korin, a healthcare law firm representing physicians, nurses, and other healthcare providers.
In 2016, I suffered a brain and spinal cord injury after a fall in my home, resulting in a coma and quadriplegia. I spent six months at Magee Rehabilitation Hospital in Philadelphia, where I discovered great joy in art therapy and painting – ultimately contributing several pieces of my artwork now on display throughout the hospital.
Following my partial recovery and diminished use of my dominant right hand, I received the Adam Taliaferro Foundation Award and accepted it by standing in public for the first time since my injury. Today, I am living a full life, enjoying my art and painting and spending time with family and friends. I hope you enjoy my paintings as well. I draw special pleasure from comments made by patients, their families, and others who enjoy my art.