POSITIVE EXPOSURE: Change How You See, See How You Change
Featuring photographs by Rick Guidotti

ID: screenshot from a news video of a young man looking and pointing at a portrait of himself: a close-up photograph of a young, light-skinned boy with dark hair and green eyes hanging on a gallery wall.
Exhibition: September 8 – October 6
Opening Reception: Friday, September 8, 4-6 p.m.
Gallery Hours: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
POSITIVE EXPOSURE: Change How You See, See How You Change is a celebration of human diversity. The exhibition provides the opportunity to see beyond disease, beyond diagnosis, to the beauty and richness of human diversity. Rick Guidotti, is the founder of POSITIVE EXPOSURE, a non-profit organization that promotes a more inclusive world through award winning photography, film, and educational programs. https://positiveexposure.org/
Parking is located next to the Lied Education Center for the Arts on the corner of 24th and Cass streets. Additional parking can be found here: https://www.creighton.edu/reservations/parkinganddirections/
402.280.2290 | [email protected] | Facebook: creightonuniversityliedartgallery https://www.creighton.edu/ccas/fineandperformingarts/liedartgallery/
2500 California Plaza Omaha, NE 68178
POSITIVE EXPOSURE: Change How You See, See How You Change is made possible by the Richard L. Deming, MD, Endowed Chair in Medical Humanities. All Department of Fine and Performing Arts events are funded, in part, by the generous support of the Richard and Mary McCormick Endowment Fund for the Fine and Performing Arts, the Grace Keenan Fund, the Anne Scheerer Fund, and other anonymous sources.