Georgie’s Corner
May 26, 2023

Dear Friends of Positive Exposure,
As we launch our new website and this blog, Positive Notes, we are excited to introduce a special part of it called Georgie’s Corner. This is a new project led by one of our interns, Georgie Evans, who will explain more about this in the interview that follows.
Back in March, we shared this text on Instagram as our first installment of Georgie’s Corner (, inviting our community to respond to the post in the comments section there. Please feel free to comment on this blog post as well! Thank you for reading.
What is Georgie’s Corner?
As a new Program Associate at Positive Exposure, I would like to create a space for conversations. I will ask and answer questions about anything from fashion, to makeup, to getting a job, to living independently.
What do you want people to know about you?
My name is Georgie and I am 37 years old. I have always pretty much lived in New York. I also lived on Cape Cod for a number of years. Some people could notice I have a slight British accent because I visited England and picked it up there.
I am very outgoing and have many hobbies, such as babysitting my sister’s dog, Gimley, because she’s so fluffy and sweet.
I also like getting my nails done, doing drag, performing karaoke, and wearing makeup. I like to have the makeup done by Sephora, on my eyes specifically.
What do you find challenging?
Getting up in the morning because I am still tired. Sometimes I like to go out at night.
I find it hard not to give people hugs.
It is also challenging not to live on my own. Right now I’m working on finding an apartment.
What are you most proud of?
Starting this job at Positive Exposure. And finishing my job at INCLUDEnyc. I was the Program Assistant, sitting at the front desk, but after seven years there I was ready to move onto something new.
If you could spend a day doing anything, what would you do?
I would be sleeping in, and then I would wake up first class on an airplane flying to Las Vegas. The glamour, the entertainment, getting my hair done and dyed blonde (If we are just talking fictionally here.
If it’s for real life, then I would get a partial foil). Shopping for new clothes…Choosing outfits of the day: different suits, jeans… Then I would go find a sushi place and eat salmon sushi. I would be on my own, exploring, and maybe meet somebody cute… Meet somebody to explore Vegas with. Have a lot of tea, pizza… I would be staying at either a penthouse or a random hotel. Definitely a king sized bed. The day closes with cocktails in a bar and then …… Who knows????? Hit the sheets.
Part two…
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