Happy Easter!!!  and Beyond!

By: Rachel

Happy Easter!!!  and Beyond!

During the week leading up to Easter, I have had so many hours singing in my church choir! I love it. Wednesday night, we practiced for three hours, Friday night we practiced for 1 1/2 hours and then sang for the Good Friday service, and Sunday we sing in all 3 services. I love the songs we’re singing, and they are super powerful to me because I’m reminded how much Jesus loves me undeservedly. Also, the community in the choir is fantastic; I love being the only young person in the S2 row. 

A couple of weeks ago, I had one of the most amazing experiences I’ve had during worship at church. The Sunday school class that I help in for adults with Developmental Disabilities performed a bell choir piece for the whole sanctuary! I accompanied on the piano for it and was barely nervous because I was thinking about all of my friends in the bell choir. They are amazing people who brighten my day every time I see them, and they’ve been one of the highlights of my year. 

This past week, I saw Dr. Summers, a famous albinism specialist, for the last time as a doctor. She’s retiring–and even though she wasn’t my primary eye doctor, I really loved seeing her and following her articles. She even answered some of my questions over email so that I could quote her in my research papers. I have also been working on guitar, which has been getting a little better. Here are two of the songs I played for a check-up recently. (They’re not perfect or professional videos by any means, but I’m just showing real life here.☺ Hopefully I’ll be able to show you another video soon in which I’m playing WAY better!)



In a couple of weeks I’m attending my first music therapy conference! I am excited to meet music therapists and hang out with my music therapy student friends. 

I am really looking forward to May 7, which is the last day of my finals for Spring 2018. In the meantime, I’m trying to schedule summer activities, like when to teach my piano students, when to get together with people, and I’m applying to help at two different camps for people with disabilities. I would also LOVE to attend the NOAH (National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation) conference this summer for the first time ever. I think it would be amazing, which is what everyone tells me. 

I will also have a lot of WEDDINGS this summer. At the end of May, I’m a bridesmaid in one; the next week in the beginning of June, I’m playing piano in another one; and the last week of June I’m attending one! That’s not even to mention all of the possible showers there will be in between. 

Right after I play for the wedding on June 2, I have the MMTA (Minnesota Music Teachers’ Association) conference that I attend every year. I still LOVE piano teaching and am glad I continually have a growing studio. The next weekend my students have the end-of-the-year recital. They do an amazing job, and I have learned how to help them learn how to be more ready for recitals over the years. 

Then, at the very end of summer, I’ll be getting ready to return to my second year of grad school for music therapy, and then I’ll graduate in 2020 after my internship and thesis. Life feels like it’s flying. 


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