Update on me

By: Rachel

Update on me

Well, it feels like so much has passed since I wrote last, and at the same time it feels like nothing has happened at all. I must say, this summer has been dreadfully difficult for me.

I’ve been getting really depressed off-and-on, which is hard. I have really supportive friends and family who help me through these times.
My medication that helps my depression the most also causes a ton of other side effects, right now the worst being an extremely elevated prolactin level. That can cause long-term problems, so I might need to see my endocrinologist again to see what we can do.
But I don’t think I can go off of this medication.
It makes me want to live and deal with things in a healthy way, and it makes me bounce back a tad quicker. I guess I pick quality of life over no side effects.
I’m also looking for some additional piano students for this fall. I need to get some flyers out in the community.
So, no big thoughts or answers in this post, just life. I won’t describe my latest anguishes or how low I’ve felt, but if you want you can pray for me. I’d appreciate that.
Thanks for reading!

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