Penn State College of Medicine FRAME Workshop
July 17, 2019
Today was amazing! After a Positive Exposure presentation to the 1st Year Med Students, we then broke out into smaller groups for a FRAME Workshop. And our PEARLS Ambassador, Alexianna, was there raising awareness about Treacher Collins syndrome.
- Group 1 22 11.2 Deletion
- Group 2 Albinism
- Group 3 Autism
- Group 4 Cerebral Palsy
- Group 5 Cystic Fibrosis
- Group 6 Down syndrome
- Group 7 Fragile X
- Group 8 Ichthyosis
- Group 9 Infantile Hemangioma
- Group 10 Marfan Syndrome
- Group 11 Limb Salvage, Amputation and Prosthetics
- Group 12 Moebius Syndrome
- Group 13 Treacher Collins
FRAME Prompts – think about a patient with this condition:
- What Health System challenges do you think this patient and her or his family may face?
- How would you envision the optimal system of care for this patient? As you consider this question, think about such things as interprofessional teams, insurance, access to care, bioinformatics (health records and data), and quality outcomes.
- Discuss how the Health Humanities might factor into the experience of this patient and her/his family. Consider such things as the doctor/care team-patient relationship, perceptions of dis-ability, ethical issues, and bias.
- What is your understanding of the underlying basic science of this condition?
- What is your understanding of potential treatments for this patient?