So I know I haven’t posted in a while, but I’ve been quite busy.  It’s a lot of work to take three classes and then teach two.  I think spent most of my time grading over Thanksgiving Break.  Although teaching has been a worthwhile and educational experience (yes even for me).  I will not be teaching French next semester. I was offered another assistantship and was given the choice to teach or help organize a three day long symposium.  I was super flattered when the department head offered me the choice between the two.  Since this sounds like a once in a lifetime opportunity I decided to take it.  I will help one of my professors organize the 49th Linguistics Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL 49). I have also figured out my schedule for next semester as well. I only need two more classes!  So now my week will look a lot different.  I just have two more weeks to finish up and then winter break (and I’ll be studying for my exit exams).  3/4 of the way through!

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