By: Talia

Hi everyone. This is Talia. My days at Riverview are awesome. My crush, Maxwell  just got selected to be the student of the week since yesterday. I am truly happy and proud for him because he is so much fun and he helps me calm down when I am stressed out. Also, my friend, Roman  just got to be Head of School for a day since yesterday for Mr. Miller. I had a fire drill at school today and my class was in the auditorium for Vocational training, so we went to the Entin gym for the fire drill. After, the fire drill was over, I went straight to the auditorium for my new job rotation, which is the processing center/Second View Thrift Store with Mrs. Benkis, MaKenna, Zoa, Justin, Jackson, Bella and Mrs. DePasquale. I actually organized the cards for the thrift store and donations for Goodwill and Salvation Army. I hope you have a great day. #SquadTaliaForever #ChangeHowYouSeeSeeHowYouChange

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