By: Byron

Today was tons of fun from start to finish. Victor and Debbie, family friends from Las Vegas, along with my mom are in town visiting until Wednesday morning. After getting up and everyone getting ready, Victor and I went to the car to wait. While waiting in the car with Victor, there was a parade of A-10’s flying overhead landing at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. He asked whether there was a base in town and I told him all about it. Once Victor went in and discovered Debbie, and my mom didn’t know we were in the car we made our way to campus. I gave them a driving tour, and then we stopped, and I took them into Likins, my dorm, to show them around. When we got to my room, I went in and asked Trevor, my roommate, if I could bring Debbie and Victor in. Once he ok’d it I brought them in. When Trevor started talking about his alarm clock, Debbie turned and said to me that it was probably set earlier. She said that quite loudly and regarding me telling her yesterday that he doesn’t wake up to his alarm. Afterwards, we left my dorm, and I asked if they wanted to see the rec center. They said yeah, and so we went. They were very impressed with it and everything it has to offer. Afterwards, we got in the car, and I took Victor to the tennis courts as he wanted to see if they adapted the courts for pickle ball which he likes to play. We then decided to go to lunch at Beyond Bread, one of my favorite restaurants in Tucson, again and we all had a really good time. After lunch, we made our way to Tombstone, AZ where the O.K. Corral is. We spent just about 3 hours there exploring, seeing a gunfight, and watching a short movie about the area. After leaving, we made our way back towards Tucson going through a border security checkpoint along the way as we were relatively close to Mexico. When we got close to the city, we veered towards Nogales to go to San Xavier Del Bac. When we got there, we had a fun little bit before we made our way back towards the city. Due to Debbie needing to use the bathroom we stopped at Target on the Southside. You could tell we were on the dangerous side of the city as there were tons of cops and the store, in general, looked like it had been through a beating. The southside of Tucson is the most dangerous area in the state of Arizona, and you can tell. Much of the alerts of crimes and murders from the local news I get on my phone are on the southside of Tucson. Afterwards, we made our way away from that area and towards what would be an incredibly fun night. We went to a restaurant I had heard good things about called Culinary Dropout but had never been to. The place, in general, had a cool vibe. After eating and watching the Olympics, Victor and I went and played bean bags. After playing that for about 20 minutes, we went over and played shuffleboard. I will genuinely say I had a much better time than I ever expected. I am definitely going back with some friends later in the year. Before leaving, we got a picture in front of a cool Tucson sign in the restaurant. After we arrived back at the house, I showed them a video of the halftime performance from yesterday at the basketball game which was of a America’s Got Talent finalist along with watching some of the Olympics. I then spent the remainder of the night hanging out and getting some work done before going to bed.