Orientation Day 1 continued……

Orientation Day 1 continued……

Yesterday was a busy day….

After I had the grad school orientation, I got to go on a bus tour of the campus and a walking tour of north campus.

I’ve also posted a short clip about using my cane (I finally got some footage while walking…).  For the past two days I have hit over 15,000 steps just walking around here!  It’s so big.  After the tours I ate lunch with grad students from my department (they found me… I couldn’t find them to save my life) and went to the student center to pick up a textbook (will explain in another blog).  I also got some Starbucks because I was so tired.  I then met my department (again) and I was given a set of keys for the building and my office (well it’s not my office … I share it with other grad students… but at least I have a desk!).  My day didn’t end there.  Then I ran home and got some documentation for employment and ran back.  By the time I finished it was around 5.
I also decided to meet another visually impaired student who is starting her freshman year at UGA.  I will be asking her for directions because she knows the campus more than me.I’m up really early writing this blog, but this is due to the fact I have a mandatory TA orientation starting at 8:30AM.   I will registering for classes tomorrow.  I will also be assigned a class for my TA position. I will post more updates later today or really early tomorrow morning.

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