American Girl Place

By: Talia

Today I went to NYC with my brother and my mom  to  see my friend Torrie at the American Girl Place and a fashion store to meet my cousin, her boyfriend, my dad, my little sister and my auntie Ronnie.  Before that, we ate at Burger Heaven Restaurant. I ate a cheddar cheeseburger with lettuce and tomato. My brother ate a cheeseburger with no lettuce and tomato. Torrie ate a burger with fries. After lunch I ate strawberry ice cream. My mom had the same thing as me. My brother ate chocolate ice cream. After dessert we went to the American Girl Place. I bought a feel- better kit for my doll Madison Lilly Grossman and I also got a catalogue. After I went to the American Girl Place I went to a fashion store and saw my auntie Ronnie, my cousin Amanda, her boyfriend Jesse, my dad and my little sister Caroline.  After NYC I went to the pet store. My dad bought dog food for Bo and more pet things.  After the pet store I went home back to Ridgewood. For dinner I ate pepperoni pizza, cheese pizza, red sauce with pasta and salad.


My aupair Jenna also went  to NYC with her friend Amanda.  Now Jenna is going to see GONE the movie.

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