2nd BAHA Implant Surgery
By: Jonah
I am having surgery today. Both of my ears don’t hear so well. I have a hard time hearing my teacher and classmates in school and keeping up with all that they are talking about. I am usually really scared on the playground at recess because I don’t always know where sounds are coming from. I sit with my teacher on a bench but I would like to play with the other kids.
At home, it is tricky for me to listen to my favorite shows. I like to use the closed captions so I can read what I can’t always hear. It is really tricky because I have a little sister who never stops talking!
When I was 5 years old, I had surgery so that I could wear a special hearing aide that is attached to my head. The inside of my ears makes regular hearing aides not work. I am really happy there is a special kind called BAHAs (Bone anchored hearing aides). There is a post the doctor put on my head and I attach a hearing aide to it. Sound vibrates through the hearing aide and makes me hear better. It kind of sounds echoey like in a gymnasium or pool or microphone.
Now that I am talking now, I was able to tell my mom and doctor that I wanted another one for my other ear. I want to hear out of both my ears really well so that I can be the best Jonah.
Getting this new BAHA takes a very long time. Now that I finally had the surgery, I have to let my head heal and get very strong. I think in the Spring I should be able to finally wear my 2nd BAHA.
My mom says that I am going to be a BAHA superhero. That makes me smile just thinking about hearing better! I can’t wait!