By: Talia

On Saturday, I went to New York City. I went to acting at Daytime Moon Creations at Astor Place in New York City. I also went to the Body Shop. I bought three lotions. One is Aloe. The next one I got is Shea Butter. And the other one is Olive. I also went to the burger place near The Body Shop and Daytime Moon Creations. I ate a burger with cheese and no bun. My brother ate Eggs and bacon. My dad ate potato sausage salad with peppers.

On Saturday night, it was Valentina Kozlova’s Dance Conservatory of New York’ s Annual Spring Gala 2012 at Peter Norton Symphony Space. All of my ballet friends were in it. Including Gemma Contessa and my little sister. There was two intermissions and three acts.

I loved it!

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