Playing For Others

By: Zoe

Zoë is a part of a group called Playing For Others.

She has been a ‘buddy’ in the part of the program that pairs up PFO teens with a friend who has special needs.  They get the opportunity to develop a friendship over the PFO season.

Zoë has developed many beautiful friendships with this program and over the past few years, they have expanded her role to give her more responsibilities.  One honor they have given her is to present the buddy program to the new teens at New Teen Initiation night.  She did that this past week and wanted to share the video.  Zoë amazes me on a daily basis.  The power of friendship!

If these links do not work, I did post the videos to my FB feed.

This was her Instagram post after that evening:

The most emotional thing I have ever done in my life but I did it for @playing4others @kevsiczek @jenna.wish @anna.brunson @annagaeckle @alexwrinkle @mharrison98 @loganmharris99 everyone because you are what makes my life better ????????

PFO speech Part 1:

PFO speech Part 2:


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