A Day in My Life:


To be completely honest I’m one of those people that love routine and keeping a schedule. I try my best to be as consistent as possible. I think intentionality is important. However, I have learned within these 26 years of life of mine that life can become pretty unpredictable. Somehow I’ve taken on the skill of adaptability and have learned to go with the flow.  Depending upon where I’m at life, my everyday can change. Some seasons I may be working on a project or building a business. As to other seasons I may have more down time. During this particular season of my life I find myself having to balance many hats and I guess that’s okay.

A day in my shoes is me waking up and getting ready for work. I like to take a few moments of my day and  pray. Spending time with God is important to me. It helps me stay focused and maintain a clear objective of the day. I also do my morning confession{ I can do all things through Christ, I have mental and emotional fortitude etc.] these are on sticky notes on my bathroom mirror. I tend to say them between praying and brushing my teeth.  Although, not every day is as smooth at that. Some mornings if I’m running late or not feeling well I have to push myself. I may skip eating breakfast rush out the door uttering my prayer underneath my breath as I’m running to the bus stop.

“ Dear Jesus thank you for this Day

I speak blessings, favor, opportunities, chances….

nothing bad will happen to day…. Amen!”

I’m a expert multitasker. Recently I’ve been working at the state Capitol so in addition to doing my state capitol office duties, I also balancing responding to emails, business inquiries and working on my own personal blog and brand.

Around lunch time when my brain is on overload I tend to whip out my phone and watch youtube while simultaneously eating leftovers from last night’s dinner ( the cafeteria food is grossly overpriced so I pack my own lol). After lunch I get back to work.  I finish up the day whether its attending a meeting or editing a article or piece, pop my ear buds in and get on the train headed home.

I have a weird confession on my way home I must definitely have a woosah moment. So I have a specific playlist on my Spotify where I can jam out and wash the stress of the day away. These days I’m into Demi Lovato “ Sorry not Sorry”– I guess I’ve been feeling unapologetic lately lol.

I’m very involved in my church. So most evenings I’m there attending bible study or helping out. I wouldn’t say my life is mundane but active. But I enjoy being active because Hey Life is worth Living!

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