A Trip to the ER
By: Rebecca, MSW

It’s been an interesting weekend. I was in the ER most of the day yesterday because I’ve felt crummy all week. ☹️ My blood pressure has been high and I’ve had a headache / nausea. My parents and I decided to head to the hospital to make sure everything was “ok”. All my labs came back fine which is good but frustrating because there isn’t an easy fix. I had the option of being admitted but my parents felt comfortable taking me home with zofran and following up with my different specialists on an outpatient basis. I have 4 appointments in the next month or so (and one of them is a multi-clinic appt with 3+ specialties in one). Hopefully we can figure out what the deal is – whether one of my other issues needs to be looked at or if I’ve developed a bit of high blood pressure just on its own. ????
On the upside I had some yummy mashed potatoes and gravy and a cappuccino flavored milkshake before leaving the hospital. ???? I’m feeling better today but definitely not ????. In my pic below you can also see my new bracelet I got off Easy! The silver beads are Morse code for the word Courage. Isn’t that so cool?!