After Christmas

By: Mia


Christmas was a blast, but sadly it went by fast. I had a lot of fun just hanging out at both of my grandparents’ houses. The best part was spending time with family and friends and the second-best part was the gifts. Speaking of gifts………. off the list on my last blog I got…….

  • Hair band bracelets
  • Clothes
  • A swell water bottle
  • DIY macaroon making kit
  • Desk supplies
  • A TON of crafts
  • A wallet
  • Tule in all colors
  • A shower speaker

I also got other stuff that wasn’t on my list……

  • A new calendar
  • Cute jewelry
  • A soft blanket for my bed
  • Cute boots

My Favorite gift is a tie between my trampoline and my laptop.

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