A day in the life of a quarantined gal!
By: Mia

So, we had our spring break about 2 weeks ago and ever since then we have been out of school due to the corona virus. Over spring break my family and I just hung out around the house and I also hung out with my friends pretty much daily, which was so fun!! And I’m glad I got to do that since I have not seen any of my friends in about 2 weeks due to quarantine ☹. My friends and I went to parks, got ice cream, baked cookies, went shopping, exploring, hot tubbing, had dance parties, movie marathons, and a sleepover all in one amazing, whirlwind of a week. It went by WAY too fast, but I am so glad I got to spend the week with my besties before not being able to see them for who knows how long it will be till this virus thing blows over. Anyways, since being on lockdown, my mom decided we needed a schedule or else we may all go cray cray from cabin fever. Basically, our days have consisted of bike rides, reading, movies, painting, training my pups, a little bit of learning (since our school has yet to release the online school materials), and lots and lots of snacks. It’s super cool to see how a worldwide disaster such as this can bring humanity together to do generous things for everyone! People like Mo Willems, the author and artist of the pigeon and elephant and piggy books, does daily art classes/ chats where he shows how to draw some of his book characters and then answers people’s questions about his books and other related things. On most of his videos we even got to see the rough drafts of his books from a long time ago. Along with free art classes we have also found that musicians such as Cold Play, John Legend, Shawn Mendes and Camilla Cabello, Charlie Puth, and a lot of other people have started something called together at home, where they do free mini concerts for the nations entertainment during quarantine. Sooooooo, that’s what I have been doing for the past week or so and will keep doing until school changes or something like that. I’m sort of having a lot of fun with the new schedule though, besides the not leaving the house part .