Appell – First 2 weekends… Done!
By: Alexandra
Last time I wrote was about a show I’m in- APPELL: The Other Side of The Fence. We opened the 9th, because our first show was cancelled due to a dreadful Nor’easter. We have performances on Thursdays, Fridays, and then two on Saturdays. In between the shows I get to go with my friend Anja (yes, with a j) and her mom, Vicki, who are both in the show as well. It’s a lot of fun and I’m really sad we only have weekend left. To pass time during the show, we’ll play card games, hangman, draw, and read backstage. Often, some adult will have to tell us to quiet down because we’re talking too loud or laughing too much. On our most recent Saturday matinee we had some amazing guests! We had the son and daughter-in-law of a married couple, who both survived the Holocaust. What was even more amazing about that is the fact that my dad actually knew the survivors. Growing up, his family was really good friends with them, and the husband was even the cantor at my dad’s Bar Mitzvah. We also had a Holocaust survivor and his wife in the audience. His wife is also an author, and shared some stories she wrote about in her book. It really was an incredible experience and I’m so glad I’m able to be apart of the world premiere of this show. I hope everyone’s doing well.
Theater review: Sobering Footlights production is an important Holocaust reminder
The Falmouth theater premieres ‘Appell: The Other Side of the Fence.’