
By: Becky

My year has been going awesome.  Just finished a really busy month finishing all project for school.  I am so happy that I have finished another year at a local college.

With my swimming I did my first race with Special Olympics.  I did a 25 meter freestyle race for a Special Olympics meet which I did amazing with.  My first race I got first place and then for the second race I got 2nd place.  Right now I am focused on staying healthy with exercising and eating healthy.  I still like doing video games that make you stay healthy.  Right now I have a variety of favourite musicians that I liked to listen too.  I enjoy artists like Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, One Direction and many more. I enjoyed playing with my dog Kiarah as well. With being active I have been taking my dog out for a walk which is fun.  I still enjoy writing whenever I get the chance just for fun.  Thanks for reading.

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