Becky’s Book
By: Becky
How Bullying
Victims Feel
Written by Becky Hunt
Illustrated by Sarah Hunt
This book is dedicated to Mona Crickmore
who inspired me to be a writer.
Resources Supporting Family and
Community Legacies Inc.
About the Author
Becky Hunt was born in 1993 and resides in Cambridge, Ontario with her parents.
At the age of two Becky was diagnosed with an abnormality of Chromosome 18
which caused her some medical issues as well as learning disorders.
Becky has always loved to read and write. She has been inspired to become a
writer by her tutor Mrs. Crickmore.
Unfortunately Becky knows too well how bullying victims feel. She has had wonderful
support from her teachers on learning how to deal with bullies, and support
in her home from her parents and big sister. She hopes that this book will help others
that are being bullied to seek help.
Becky Hunt is quoted as saying “I wrote this book to make others feel that they are
not alone.”
About the Illustrator
Sarah Hunt is a graduate of the graphic design program from Conestoga College in
Kitchener, Ontario. Sarah’s illustrations were inspired by Becky’s original sketches.
She is happy to have collaborated with her little sister on the first published book
for both of them.
Sarah is currently a Special Olympics coach, works with an autistic child as a support
worker and has been actively involved in the Canadian branch of the Chromosome
18 Support Group.
Auhor”s Note
Bullying is something that shouldn’t happen, but does. Bullying is hurtful to the
victims. I know, since I have been a victim since grade 5. No one should have to suffer
through the pain.
The feelings in the book were things I felt when I was being bullied. I felt like everyone
hated me and didn’t want me in that school. I wanted to run away, and wanted
to hurt myself. The worst was not feeling safe at school.
I tried many different ways to stop the bullying and finally got the courage to stand
up for myself. Trust me, people who are bullying will back off if you confront them,
and there is help available from friends, teachers and parents.
I wrote this book to get my feelings out and to tell others they are not alone, even
if they feel very alone. Hopefully you will learn about the results of bullying from
this book. I hope this book will help some kids stand up or tell someone what is
happening, so they can get help, and start feeling better.
Teachers Note
Becky’s book, How Bullying Victims Feel, gives us a poignant look at the consequences
of bullying. Sharing from her own personal experiences, Becky communicates
an important message with validity and honesty. In my classroom,
How Bullying Victims Feel was used to initiate a discussion concerning the nature
and consequences of bullying. This book shares a message that needs to be told
and responded to by children and adults alike. Thank you Becky, for sharing your
experiences, you inspire others to do their part to stop bullying, making the world
a better place for us all.
Donna Pilkington
Blair Road School, Cambridge, Ontario
Copyright © Becky Hunt 2009
Illustration Copyright © Sarah Hunt 2009
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any
form or by any means without the prior written permission from the publisher, or, in the case of photocopying
or other reprographic copying, permission from Access copyright, [email protected].
Printed and Bound in Canada.
ISBN: 978-1-55307-065-8