Becky’s Intro

By: Becky

Hello, my name is Becky and I am 21 years old. I have chromosome 18p- and autism. I am currently in my second year of college. My favorite hobbies are listening to music, writing, playing with my dog and hanging out with my friends. I also like public speaking. I am the author of the How Bullying Victim feel book.  Some of the places that I traveled this year was Manchester, England which was neat. When I go to a new town I like to try their food.  I have four people in my family. I have a mom Shelley, my father, Brian, my older sister Sarah and my dog care.  I have been very busy with school, but will try my best to keep you guys updated. I am also practicing swimming and I am on a Special Olympics swimming team, which is a lot of fun and hard work.

One Comment

  1. Jennifer March 20, 2018 at 1:05 am - Reply

    Hi Becky. My name is Jennifer and I also have autism. I wasn’t officially diagnosed until I was 37. Growing up, the doctor always told my parents that I was just shy, and I would eventually grow out of it. My parents just continued to believe the doctor. They saw signs (at my 8 year old slumber party, all the other guests were talking and conversing and I was off by myself playing with my new Barbie doll), but they were always busy with my younger sister who also had problems including a seizure disorder. I always knew I was different, but tried to hide it as much as I could. I was always the one who got bullied and picked on in school. It’s nice to finally have a diagnosis and know that I’m not crazy. I see that you participate in Special Olympics. I am also involved in Special Olympics- I play soccer, basketball, Flag football, I Bowl, and I am on the swim team! I think it’s cool that you like public speaking. I’m just the opposite- I would faint if I had to get up and speak in front of people. I love social media because it’s a way I can express myself without having to look at someone face to face, so I too love writing! And I also love dogs- I have 3 chihuahuas. I have enjoyed learning about you through your blog and look forward to hearing more…

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