Busy but Fun!
By: Byron
The last few weeks have been very busy but lots of fun. For starters I got my eagle project approved by the school. What I had to do was I had to go in front of the school committee so that I could build on campus. I will start building my Eagle project in the summer. Over the past few weeks I’ve had many volleyball matches I am the manager for the volleyball team and so far the varsity team isn’t doing that well we’ve only won one game, but the bus that I go on which is JV has won every single game I always here them celebrating, but the team that I’m actually with has lost many times. Over the weekend I went to Boston University where I went to a robotic show. It was really cool because it was robots competing in a soccer game. I also started planning out what I was going to do over the summer. I found some really cool camps that I could attend at MIT and at Boston University I also found other colleges around the Boston area with really cool camps. The upcoming weeks will be a lot of fun because I’m going on April break next week starting this Friday. I will be going to Washington DC that week which will be lots of fun. When I get back from DC I go to School for 4 and a half days and then I get on a bus to go to New York and attend Rick’s fundraiser with my sister. After I get back from Bew York the following weekend I go back down to DC where I spend that Saturday at DC Children’s Hospital. I have to attend a mandatory meeting because I am applying for a summer internship there. It will be interesting to see what it’s like. Also today my dad mentioned that we may be going back to New Zealand and Australia over the summer because he will be presenting at a conference there about his Biotech company which will be a lot of fun. That’s it for now.