Busy Holiday

By: Grace

I have had a busy holiday. We celebrate Christmas in my family. I got off school on the 21st of December. My break started by having a Christmas party and almost all of my friends came. Then on the 22 of December I went to see “ lice in Wonderland,” at a local theater.  My old acting teacher was in it. Then on the 23rd December,  we have a Christmas tradition. We go to Playhouse in the Park to see “A Christmas Carol.” Everything was fun.  One of the coolest presents that I got is tickets to see “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” in NYC.  I can’t wait.  It will be so fun. I can’t wait to tell you all about it.  
I have been working on my one women show a lot. 

One Comment

  1. Positive Exposure January 9, 2019 at 1:12 pm - Reply

    Cant wait to see your one woman show!!!! And I want to see Harry Potter with you!!

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