
Deak’s Intro

Deak is 7 years old. He loves the movie Cars [...]

Deak’s Intro2013-09-18T20:22:41-04:00

Becky’s Intro

Becky was born in 1993 and resides in Ontario, Canada [...]

Becky’s Intro2013-09-18T19:28:56-04:00

Update on Me

Hi all, My name is Arielle and I am a [...]

Update on Me2013-03-11T16:10:38-04:00

Jonah’s Intro

Hi!  My name is Jonah.  I am 6-years-old and go [...]

Jonah’s Intro2012-10-01T16:54:34-04:00

Grace’s Intro

Grace has had a big year. She just started at [...]

Grace’s Intro2012-10-01T16:04:41-04:00

Austin’s Intro

Hi! My name is Austin. I am fourteen-years-old and live [...]

Austin’s Intro2012-10-01T14:35:48-04:00
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