Cheer Showcase

By: Eli

Cheer Showcase

Action shot from my cheer showcase.

In the beginning of October I was preparing for a showcase for competition cheer. My cheer team has been training hard to put forth the best we could do at the showcase. Our showcase was on the 28th. One of my teams was the 1st to go for our location (Charlotte). The cheer gym that I go to has a lot of locations and places in the US. Being the first team to go for Charlotte and being the 3rd team to go on for the entire showcase was an honor. I woke up at 5:30am with one of my friends. Her name is Abbi and she is in college. She was working at one of the booths so we decided to bring her along. She did my hair and some of my makeup. We were supposed to meet there at about 8:45am. To get to the arena it takes about 2hrs. It was very chilly and cold, we had to wait outside for a bit because they had to open everything up and get things prepared. We got there and set up our things and did some last minute things and went to go to a team picture. After the picture we went to warm ups. First we stretched and listened to our routine music. We then went to warm up all of our stunts. Then we warmed up our tumbling and did a last chance routine before hitting the mat for showcase. We huddled and did our handshakes and then lined up. We then ran out when they said “And from Charlotte, Princesses!” And we ran on the mat. When I first got on I took my starting place and bounced on the floor to see if it was a hard floor or if it was springy, it was hard. The floor was also new so it was slick, you could slip in your tumbling and fall. We hit our routine and then we had our stunt. One stunt fell, but they haven’t been consistent so it was kinda expected. After the pyramid we were done because we don’t have our dance yet. We all then watched our routine and it wasn’t bad and our coach got a compliment saying that this was one of the best Princesses team ever! I then had to head strait for warm ups for my other team. Luckily my tumbling was all warmed up so I didn’t have to do as much. We then huddles, did handshakes, and went in the mat when our name was called. Everything was amazing, but we had a small collision in tumbling, which never happens at all, but luckily no one was severely injured. Then I was done before 1pm. We stayed to watch some teams that my friends were on and got pictures with them. Then we left and I slept for a long time because I was exhausted. Then we fast forward to October 31st, HALLOWEEN . I invited some of my friends and we went trick or treating. I was a mix between the Mad Hatter and the Queen of Hearts. My other two friends were superhero’s. To this day I’m still eating the Halloween candy. Now it’s Nov. 6, 2018 and I’m looking forward for Thanksgiving and X Evolution, where we preform and watch other teams in our level and get critiques.
Hope you can read my next blog!!

One Comment

  1. Positive Exposure November 6, 2018 at 9:45 pm - Reply

    WOW!!! You are FLYING!!!!!

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