


I wanted to share a few pictures of my latest crafting attempt. :) I’m not sure I’ve mentioned this before, but one of my favorite singers is Demi Lovato!  I wasn’t a huge Camp Rock fan, but I really like her music. Her story of getting the help she needed is also great. I wasn’t sure if many other girls around my age liked her. So, imagine my surprise when I found out my friend Talya loves her just as much!  Talya is a junior at UM. I met her last year in the dining hall. She was so sweet, I was sitting alone and she asked if she could sit with me. She’s super hyper and also really likes Disney movies and Demi. We get along so well! Lol.

I’ll get back to the crafting part now haha. So, a few months ago I found out that Demi was going to be performing near us!! I immediately let Talya know of course, and since her roommates are also obsessed, we decided to go as a group.   I’m so excited!!! I was nervous that we weren’t going to be able to all sit together. A lot of times there are ticket limits for the accessible section. But, I had no issues getting enough for all 5 of us!!  I wanted to do something fun, and was at the craft store a while ago and found a little kit where you can decorate bracelets and headbands.  I decided to get it with the intention of giving some to the other girls for the concert.  My dad was going to help me write Demi on the bracelets but he kept forgetting. :) So, yesterday morning I decided to just try and do it myself. The bracelets are plastic, not rubber like I thought. I’m hoping they will fit the girls. We’ll see!  I texted Talya the pics and she flipped out! She loved them haha. She said her roommates also loved them- yay!!  I always like talking to her- she gives me energy because she’s so hyper haha. I decorated all the bracelets and the 2 headbands. This way the others will have a little flexibility with what they want. :)

Crafting.1 Crafting.2 Crafting.3

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