December 2022 Blog
By: Eli

I’m officially a 2022 State Champion!! My cheer team competed at the NCHSAA State Championship and won as the D2 Small Varsity Coed Game Day champions. The work was 100% worth it. This was an amazing way to end off on my senior season and last competition ever. Since we won, we get rings and medals. We also did a walk of champions at our school where state champions of the sports teams walk throughout the school with our banner and trophy. Now we have to prepare for basketball season, which is different from football season. Instead of standing on the sidelines, we sit on the bleachers and stomp and clap to completely new cheers.
I’m officially a 2022 State Champion!! My cheer team competed at the NCHSAA State Championship and won as the D2 Small Varsity Coed Game Day champions. The work was 100% worth it. This was an amazing way to end off on my senior season and last competition ever. Since we won, we get rings and medals. We also did a walk of champions at our school where state champions of the sports teams walk throughout the school with our banner and trophy. Now we have to prepare for basketball season, which is different from football season. Instead of standing on the sidelines, we sit on the bleachers and stomp and clap to completely new cheers.
Everyday Life
From Thanksgiving to my birthday (Jan 3) is my favorite time of the year. We visit my moms side of the family in Charleston, SC to have Christmas dinner and open presents with them. I got a Lululemon define jacket that I’ve been wanting for a while, and I’m so grateful to be getting it. I also love the atmosphere of Christmas, the lights, and the food.
Senior Year
I also got my first acceptance, I got into UNC Charlotte’s business program. Since I’m waiting for my other decision letters, I’m applying for scholarships. As I prepare for senior year, Rick offered to take my senior pictures over MLK weekend in NY. I’m so excited because I’ve never been to NY, but I love going to new places. I also plan on getting my permit on my birthday to be able to do the drivers rehab with my biopics.