Disclaimer for NOAH Folks
By: Arielle
For NOAH folks who read my blogs: My discussion of BraiIlle use does not reflect NOAH’s views on the subject in any way. I also do not reflect the National Federation of the Blinds’ “one size fit’s all approach” where one must use a cane and Braille in order to be successful. Every visually impaired person is different, with different needs, therefore we cannot all function the same. I just do what works for me… I know Braille can be a controversial topic within the albinism community. In my opinion, to use the code is a personal choice and no one should be forced one way or the other. I made the choice to learn the code so I can do parts of my job successfully. In my opinion, I am visually impaired and I am not going to deny tools that are available to me just because they will make me look more disabled. The code will not replace print or audio for media. It will be something extra that I can use for very specific situations. I have been having a lot of trouble reading notes for class presentations and lecturing as a teacher. This is something that is very important to me because I want to be a professor and I will have to be doing this for the rest of my career. I only have two ways to resolve this: either I learn grade one Braille (alphabet plus symbols and some French accents in my case) and write a couple of words to jog my memory while I’m lecturing or I can have the screen reader read allow what I am suppose to say, which takes more practice. I have tried to make the print ginormous, but this just does not work whenever I have to present anything. I simply cannot read off a piece of paper or a screen without muffling my voice and losing my place. Plus at this time, I definitely cannot ad lib my lectures. They are way to structured and way to picture dependent to do that. If you are an adult with albinism or a parent of a child with albinism and you do not agree with my decision that is fine. I respect your opinions, but I ask to you respect my own as well. I will not be starting the great Braille debate on this blog. I do not want to be told that I do not need it nor that I can be successful without it. Quite frankly, it is not your place. I am also going to keep my blog up-to-date on learning grade one Braille. I do not know if I will ever learn much more than that, but only time will tell…