End of Summer

End of Summer

Well I’ve been back to school for three weeks now.  Summer was fun but it got a little boring towards the end.  So I’m glad to be back.  The weather has gotten much nicer and cooler here so it’s great to be able to get back outside.  The summer heat is too much for me so I rarely go out for more than a few minutes in the summer.  BIG news here!  We got a new dog!!  We rescued him from a dachshund rescue on Sunday.  He’s so sweet and he loves giving me kisses and rolling around on my lap.  Hi name is Murphy Falkor (after the luck dragon from The NeverEnding Story).  He kind of looks like Falkor.  My sister had her first field hockey game last week.  The weather was perfect so mom took me along.  It was fun to be outside all morning and watch her play.  It was a bit chilly though.  Here’s a photo of me at the game last week and my new dog Murphy.




  1. pearls2017 September 21, 2017 at 1:47 pm - Reply

    Hi Lexi, my name is Rachelle. I go to Central Academy of Technology & Arts located in North Carolina. I am currently a senior in high school. I play soccer and volleyball. Do you play any sports?

    • Alexianna Mims September 22, 2017 at 3:29 pm - Reply

      Hi it’s nice to meet you. And awesome! I used to play soccer but now I don’t do any sports.

  2. Charlotte July 13, 2019 at 4:11 pm - Reply

    Murphy is adorable! Hope you start feeling better soon!

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