End of Vacation!
By: Erica
Tonight as I sit here and type, I’m feeling bone weary, it’s the last day of the 2 week vacation that kids have from kindergarten and school tomorrow and I will be so glad to get back to routine next week! In other awesome news, I have my car back from the repair shop, now half my car looks shiny and new, while the other half looks….. well you get the idea! At least, for the first time in months, my interior is cleaned, emptied and vacuumed, how long will that last you ask??? Well probably not long!! I have a terrible record at keeping things neat. I also decided that today would be a good day to start a carb free diet, yeah my brain must be fried, I did it, not sure how, but I did! The idea is it get thinner and even more beautiful then I already am, people will look at me and go wow! Ok enough fried brain talk for now!!