

It’s summer time and I normally wake up around 8:30 or 9:00, but during the school year I have to wake up at 7:00. Once I wake up, I turn on ESPN for an hour. I like to get all the updates and highlights about the sports that happened the day before. I especially like the Top Ten Plays and I am always able to watch it before I head to school. In the afternoon I hang out with my friend sometimes or play games with my mom. When my friend, Justin, comes over we hang out, play xbox, play basketball and sometimes soccer. If I’m playing with my mom, shit hits me tennis balls with the baseball bat and I field them with my baseball glove. We also play a lot of Yahtzee. when nighttime comes I normally watch the Yankee game if they are playing. Other teams I watch are The NJ Devils, Cincinnati Bengals, and college lacrosse. The kind of job I would like when I’m older is to do something with baseball.


Kyle and puppy Oakley watching ESPN together.


  1. pearls2017 July 22, 2017 at 4:51 am - Reply

    I hope to hear from you soon!! Hopefully we can keep in touch.

  2. pearls2017 July 22, 2017 at 4:51 am - Reply

    Hi Kyle!!

    I hope all is well with you! I really enjoyed reading through your blog and I’d love learn a little bit more about you.

    How long have you and Justin been friends? How did you guys meet? Why do you think you guys became close? I know this blog was written a few years ago – do you guys still hang out?

    What interests you so much about sports? Does your family follow sports as closely as you do? Does your family really like the Yankees or is that the team that you decided to follow? Do you have a favorite player?

    Thank you so much and I hope to hear from you soon!

    • kyleo July 31, 2017 at 3:42 pm - Reply

      HI! Thank you for commenting on my blog. Justin and I have been friends for 5 or 6 years. My mom is good friends with his mom. We hang out maybe once a week but we snapchat a lot.
      I like sports so much because i like the competition. It is very entertaining and I really like all the trades that happen. My dad and brother follow sports but not my mom and sister really. My dad really likes the Yankees too. My favorite player is Derek Jeter because he is a humble guy and he works hard everyday.

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