Exciting Week!

Exciting Week!

This has been a very exciting week for me!!  And it’s only Wednesday.  On Monday I started my first day of 4th grade and today is my 9th birthday!!!  On Saturday we celebrated with a big party for my friends and family.  Then today we celebrated again at school.  Mom got me a birthday pin to wear on my wheelchair and my school made me a big birthday poster that everyone signed and then we hung that from the back of my wheelchair.  We also just got back from my favorite vacation of the year to Smith Mountain Lake.  I was a little bummed that we didn’t have much sun this year, but we still got out on the boat, which is my favorite, and we still got to see my grandparents and great grandparents.  Next year we decided that we’re renting a house right on the water so that it’s easier to take me swimming and out on the boat.  So I’ll probably get a lot more boat time next year.




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