Fall Fest
By: Graydon

On Friday I had a class trip to Fall Fest. Fall Fest is big fall celebration that my town puts on each year. They have a bunch of rides, food, and vendors. My sister is a cheerleader and walked in the parade on Thursday night too. On Friday, they opened up all of the rides for special needs classrooms only from around my county. It was great because no one else was there and there were no lines for the rides. My mom chaperoned and took me on all the rides. Well, all the ones I could fit on. Some of them were really small and I’m the tallest in my class. My favorite was the bumper cars. Mom wasn’t sure if I would like them or not. So she very carefully tapped the first car. I thought it was hysterical! So then mom started slamming into everything she could, and as hard as she could. We got done early so we went and surprised my sister at her fun run at her school. She was so excited to see us. She kept hugging and kissing me and introduced me to all her friends and her teacher. It was a great day. Here’s a picture of me and mom on the carousel.