Fame at the Smithsonian!

By: Byron

In Massachusetts we have a February break and then April break. During my February break I went down to DC to visit my mom I had a lot of fun there. While I was there I went to the Smithsonian where Rick took pictures a few months ago and there is an exhibit up and I am in that exhibit and I’ve never seen it before it was really cool. One person noticed me when I was standing by my picture. It was cool for someone to recognize me. The rest the week I just hung out around DC and didn’t do that much. I visited my old school and saw a lot of my friends everyone recognized me and were like oh its Byron where did you come from? After the week was up I took a bus to New York City where I hung out with my sister for the weekend. Although my bus broke down and I was delayed by 2 1/2 hours we walked over the Brooklyn Bridge and went to see a Broadway musical. The musical that we saw was “Mamma Mia” which I have seen before but my sister has never seen it. I recommended going to it which she agreed to see it. She ended up enjoying it. The next day I got on the bus and went back to Boston.

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