Fantastic New Blog!

By: Grace

Hey guys! I have a fantastic blog to share with you.

I recently went to the movies with my brother and we saw The Greatest Showman with Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, and Zendaya. It was amazing.  The central message that if you are different, you are unique and that is good.  It meant a lot to me because it showed me that even though I seem different because I have a disability I can do anything I want, even be an actress which is what I want to be.

Have you seen any good movies lately?

Tonight is my brother’s last night at home before he goes back to college.  I love Risk.  My dad and I are always on one team together.  We play against my brother and my mother. My mother isn’t very good at the game.

I am really excited because tomorrow my mother and I are going to see the Broadway musical Waitress.  I can’t wait.

I will talk to you later.


One Comment

  1. Megan April 5, 2018 at 2:46 am - Reply

    My name is Megan, and I haven’t watched any good movies lately. I have heard about the Waitress, and it sounds really good. I wish I could see it.

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