For St. Patrick day…
By: Rebecca P

For St. Patrick day I went up to my parents friends house to celebrate. My dad and I had to make little name place things and we also made a green dessert. The dessert we made were eclair and cream puff. The people who were there Mrs. Julie,Mr. Dennis, Mrs.Fran, Mr. Mike, my dad, my mom and I. We had corn beef, cabbage, shepherds pie, two different time of potatoes,and soda bread. There were another dessert too. We play a game we had to scratch if we were lucky enough. The pin by where I sit said you are lucky. I got the lucky one and got a prize which had a mug that said Lucky on it, with candy and snowballs. Then we did the lottery and 3 people won. All on the same side. I won with my dad and Mrs. Fran. Even though I didn’t even know I won until my mom look at it and said you won. I was like really. I had a really nice time up there.