Fractured Hand!

By: Mia

Fractured Hand!

Last Tuesday I was playing volleyball outside with my brother. everything was going fine for a few minutes and then my brother trust me ball and I went for it and my arms instead of going out went under my body and I landed on my hand. We didn’t know it was broken yet so I just went inside and put some ice on it. It was still hurting really bad after about 30 minutes so my dad took me to the ER. We checked in and then went into the doctor’s office after a few minutes the doctor walked in and she looked at my hand. She told us we had to get some x-rays and she would tell us what was going on with my hand shortly. We went to get the x-rays and then went back to the room. A nurse came in to get me and my dad and she brought us to a different exam room. There were about 6 people in there including one doctor. She told me that I had fractured two metacarpals and she was going to put me in a temporary cast. She also told me that I could not play volleyball for six weeks and this really upset me. The next day I left school little early and went to the doctor he looked at the x-rays and said I would have to get a cast so they took off the temporary cast and put on a new one. I chose a pink cast and the casting guy was so nice and he put heart on it. That night it was really hard to sleep because the cast was uncomfortable. The next day at school it was uncomfortable and hard to move around. The nurse gave me a five-minute past so I can leave my classes so that I didn’t have to walk and during the passing period and get my cast bumped. I’m sad that I won’t be playing volleyball for about 6 weeks but on the bright side right when I get my cast off two weeks later I’ll be skiing.


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