Fun with Rick

By: Erica

Fun with Rick

Wow what can I say, I have had the most happiest days that I’ve had in years, all of my favourite things were combined into one amazing day, FOOD, PHOTOGRAPHY, POSING, and the BEST COMPANY I COULD ASK FOR!! The weekend started with a wonderful dinner with friends and my sister on Friday night, I then got to stay with my amazing friend Maryanne and we had a lil fashion parade gearing up to Saturday, where I would attempt to look my best for a redo photo shoot from none other but MY FAVOURITE Rick Guidotti. Honest to goodness this guy makes me feel like the most stunning individual in the universe, so imagine my absolute joy to have him on New Zealand soil with me and the sun was shining! Saturday started with a healthy smoothie with Maryanne where I spent the morning getting dressed and styled, then we headed to the city! I met rick and immediately we started to chat, as if we had been around each other forever, not I only met him last year and now a year later we are back together! We then had a massive photo shoot, I’m very vain and love having my photo taken and more importantly, I love myself and the way I look, we then followed on with the most fabulous lunch, the best food that I’ve tasted in a long time!! I felt like a real lady the whole day, it was special and magical and I’ll be dreaming of it for a long time to come. Watch this space for more exciting photos of the shoot and more exciting adventures in my life.  

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