Getting together with people 

By: Rachel

Getting together with people 
I am back to grad school now! ​It was SO good for me to have a nice long Christmas break, during which time I caught up with friends.
I had a couple phone appointments with friends and went to my undergrad school to see some staff and professor friends. One of my friends graduated that night, so I went out to supper with her family and friends. I had my last eye appointment with my favorite doctor because he retired, which was sad, but I know we are still friends.
Additionally, I had a few parties! I invited some of my best friends over to my house for an “inbetween party”–which was between Christmas and New Year’s. My friend living in Texas and my friend living in Pennsylvania both came because they were staying here for Christmas! After that, I went to a sleepover with some of my best highschool friends. We had several extended family birthday parties and get-togethers, including a Starwars marathon and mini-golfing.
Throughout break, I had coffee ot caught up with a plethora of friends, including friends my age, previous mentors, and a previous highschool teacher. But I also had to know when to NOT plan things. I also rested and recharged my batteries for spring semester, which is now!

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