Had such a busy weekend.
By: Rebecca P
Had such a busy weekend. I had to help my mom watch my 2 year old cousin because my aunt and uncle were away for their anniversary. I will have to said watching a 2 year old was really hard. Since I haven’t been with kids for awhile. So my mom had to pick my cousin Symphony up from daycare. Then my dad and I got dinner from Chick-fil-A to bring down to them. I stayed to helped my mom out with my cousin. Then on Saturday we went to my house to go pick my dad up to go to the Plumkton Zoo. Mrs. Julie went to the zoo with us too. Then we met up with Stacey and Brooklynn. Stacey got tickets for Brooklynn and Symphony to feed the giraffe. Symphony wasn’t sure about feed the giraffe. I had to help her feed the giraffe. She was fine at first but I’m guessing she didn’t like the giraffe tongue touch her hand. It was my first time feed the giraffe too. Symphony loves to fishes because they were in a pond and she loves water. Symphony got to watch Stacey feed the Aplaca and Symphony was interesting in that. My dad, my mom, Symphony and I all went back to my house. Symphony took a nap in the car so my mom just stay with her. Then after her nap we had dinner. My mom and Symphony went back to her house. I decided to stay home because I was a lot going on. Sunday my mom and Symphony come back to my house. We just hang out at our house. My mom, Symphony and I went up to mrs. Julie house to go see the chickens. My mom took Symphony home because my aunt and uncle were on their way back from their trip. Symphony was so happy to see them.