Happy Fall!
By: Rebecca, MSW
Happy Fall Everyone!
I hope you are adjusting well being back in “school mode.” Even though I graduated with my Masters degree in Social Work back in May 2013, I can relate to the stress you are probably feeling right now. I currently have 2 contract/consultant type projects and I just started a job as a part time research associate. I’ll talk more about those in another post. :)
Even with all of these different projects I still have fun :) This past Saturday I got to go the local zoo for a few hours. I haven’t been there in forever. My mom works for a nonprofit credit counseling agency and she had to work a resource table at the zoo because there was a Step Out Diabetes walk sponsored by the American Diabetes Association. I had to wake up super early because we needed to be at the zoo by 8am. It was so cold outside. I ended up putting on some mittens! After hanging out at the table for about 2 hours mom and I got to walk around the zoo. Even though it was cold we had fun. :) My favorite part was when we saw some kangaroos! We got to go inside this area where we walked on a path and the kangaroos were roaming around free. They didn’t really care that we were there, they just did their thing. At one point one of them kept looking up at us while they was eating though. Kind of like hmm, who are you? lol. We also saw bears, lions and some seals. The seals were neat too because we could walk through a tunnel and the seals were swimming all around and above us!
That was pretty much the highlight of my weekend. The rest of the time I was working on something for one of my projects.
I am excited to be blogging again! Feel free to send me any questions you have- I am an open book