Happy New Year!
By: Grace
I have been away in Boston visiting with family so how was your holiday? I had a wonderful Christmas. I got a lot of gifts. Some of them are Harry Potter and I did get some Decendants 2 stuff. If you do not know what that movie is you should watch the first one. Anyway my big gift was tickets to see three musicals. They are Waitress, School of Rock, and the King and I. I can’t wait to see them. I also got a Positive Exposure hoodie sweatshirt. It is very cool.
It was really cold in Massachusetts. It was so cold we hardly did anything outside, so I didn’t get to go to my favorite restaurant. I did visit with family and had a great time. We always have another Christmas party there. My aunt and I watched lots of fun movies, snuggled up on her couch.
I am including a photo of me and my brother in front of our Christmas tree.
Good bye for now,