Happy Summer
By: Maggie
Hi everyone ,
It’s Maggie-Margaret again ,
I have a fun two weeks ahead of me! First let me start off by saying Happy Summer!
I just finished school and it finally feels like summer. On July 1st we went to see an amazing fireworks show that my family goes to see every year. It is held at a big park and we pack dinner. This year we had chocolate, chocolate chip brownies which I LOVE.
In addition, later on this week, I have a doctors appointment for my braces. I am going to attach pictures of both my old and new braces, so that you guys can see them. The black strapped braces are my new ones. They have been customized but I need to get them altered a little because they don’t fit just right. I’ll explain more about them on a later blog.
Thirdly, a dear friend of mine is getting married next Saturday. I am excited to spend this very special day with her. I am looking forward to spending quality time with her since we have been friends for a while. I’ll include a pic in my next blog.