Happy Thanksgiving

By: Grace

I am so happy to be able to blog tonight. My brother Ben is here with us. He came home from college yesterday and we are all happy he is here.

I go horseback riding every Wednesday. Guess what I got to do there last week. I got to ride a new horse. His name is Stuart but everyone calls him “slow poke” because he goes at his own pace. Kind of like me.

Yesterday I had to have blood tests done. I was very brave. I even gave extra blood for some research work they are doing on Myotonic Dystrophy. That is what I have.  I told them my blood is precious so do a good job.

Tonight my family and I will probably watch a movie. I want to see “It’s a Wonderful Life” but my mother thinks we should wait until after Thanksgiving. I think differently about that.

I hope you have a fun Thanksgiving.

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