
By: Grace

Hi Everyone!

I have some awesome news.  I was able to handle our September fire drill with no problems.  Usually my anxiety about loud noises takes over but this time I was in control.

Right now I am listening to the “Teen Beach” movie soundtrack. I like dancing to it. Tonight is Friday night.  I love Friday night because it is homemade pizza and TV/movie night.  My dad makes great pizza.  Then we watch old episodes of Psych and Modern Family.  Sometimes, we also watch a movie.   Sean and Juliette are my favorite characters on Psych.

Two girls and I started a club called Girl Up at my school.  We got 22 people to sign up.  It will be fun.

I am trying out for the school musical on Tuesday.  It is Fiddler on the Roof. I hope I get a part.

Write to you again soon.

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